We strongly value our local farms

Our partnership with local farms allows us to support small-scale agriculture and contribute to the well being of our local environment. We take great pride in supporting our farm partners and are committed to working together to promote the health and well-being of both our bees and the surrounding ecosystem.

Farm Spotlight

This is Cold Brook Farm, one of our newest farming customers

A zero-energy homestead

A beautiful, unique, and newly constructed farm in Old Wick, NJ. Cold Brook Farm is a zero-energy homestead that utilizes regenerative farming practices and sustainable land use.

Our Project & Partnership

Electric fence installation

Electric Fence Setup & Installation

Bees face a variety of predators, including bears, skunks, raccoons, and other mammals that may be attracted to the sweet smell of honey. An electric fence can help keep these animals at bay, preventing them from raiding the hives and potentially killing the bees. We installed a solar powered fence that will provide long-term protection for the farm's bee colonies.

Electric Fence
Beehives behind electric fence

Hive Installation & Full-time Management

We set the farm up with four healthy bee hives and provide ongoing hive management services, which include monitoring the health of the colonies, checking for pests and diseases, bee treatments, winterization, and harvesting honey among others. We are proud to serve Cold Brook Farm and provide them with a valuable resource for their agricultural needs.

Hive Management